Quick note
My friend D. is doing okay. Her pictures showed something weird, but in follow up, it was just fine. She's feeling more confident and is as relaxed as ever.
A place to unwind and spend some time yakking.
My friend D. is doing okay. Her pictures showed something weird, but in follow up, it was just fine. She's feeling more confident and is as relaxed as ever.
Today must be a day to reflect. I sat down and read yesteday's Seattle PI, the Life and Arts section, while I ate lunch. There was an interview of Augusten Burroughs, who wrote the book Running with Scissors. He's on the road promoting his new book, Possible Side Effects, a collection of personal essays.
Seattle's propping up her aging facial features with several projects. The latest one is detailed here. I agree that the 10 acre corridor from Green Lake to Ravenna is ugly. Most everywhere in Seattle where I-5, or any freeway, span the city, it's a pit. But, is it worthy of a $300,000 facelift, courtesy of King County citizens? King Country Metro Transit is footing the bill for this project, which means it's being fleeced from John Q.'s pocket.
I saw my friend D. yesterday. We've been trying to arrange going on a hike together, but our schedules have been conflicting so it hasn't materialized. While we chatted about our schedules, she casually mentioned she went to the doctor for a physical and a mammogram-- and that she had to go back for a second mammogram. She didn't know why; the radiologist didn't tell her the reason for the return visit.
A black bear was tasered by Seattle police on Saturday, May 20th. According to the Seattle PI article, the two doses of tranquilizer darts and the two bouts of Tasering by local police officers was too much for the bear. The "150 to 175 pound" animal was approximately three years old and died soon after the second Taser blast/tranquilizer dart combo. Tasering is a non-lethal weapon. Yeah, right.
Thunder, over at TCF, posted a link to a Wired News article on AT&T and NSA wiretapping.
I ~finally~ got my veggie garden in. I'm probably one of the last people in the world to get'r done. I'm even later than my 82 year old father-- he put in his garden last weekend.
Gene Stout, the Seattle PI "POP MUSIC CRITIC," was kind enough to write up a review on last night's AIC show. You can read it here. While I don't consider Alice in Chains "pop music" per say, this concert was pretty big news on the local music scene, which has been kind of stagnant of late. Stout is the senior music guy at the PI, so it figures they'd pull out the bigshots for this concert.
Rosie and I went to see Little Kay sing his heart out. He was adorable, from the top of his shiny, brown hair, to his snazzy blue Hawaiian shirt, to the tips of his trusty tenny-runners. The theme of his concert was farm animals, so we got to hear such esteemed barnyard favorites like Farmer in the Dell and B-I-N-G-O (he got to play a maraca for this song).
The CDC is pushing for routine AIDS testing with physicals. The recommendations are projected to be released by the CDC this summer, and would effect Americans age 13-64. I can understand the concern-- if you look at the most recent statistics(from 2003) for the top ten causes of death for Americans, HIV is listed as 10th for 15-24 y.o.; 6th for 25-34 y.o.; 5th for 35-45 y.o.; and 8th for 45-55 y.o. I'm not quite sure why the projected recommendations are spread out to cover such a wide range of ages, since HIV doesn't appear on the spectrum for the under 15 and over 55 crowd.
I received a phone call yesterday afternoon from a breathless caller. He spit out the words so fast, it was hard to understand what he was saying. After a few seconds of confusion, I realized the caller was Lew. He and Zander were heading to Seattle to try and snag tickets to the free Alice and Chains show at the Moore.
Mark, over at South Puget Sound Libertarian, posted that current phone etiquette isn't adequate any longer. That is, since all the business with the NSA skimming the datapools of phone companies, like ATT, Verizon and and BellSouth.
Bausch & Lomb pulled their ReNu with MoistureLoc off the shelves. There's been a possible link between Fusarium keratitis, a fungus of the eye, and use of this contact solution.
I recommend reading this Seattle PI special report, Conduct Unbecoming Taxpayers Foot the Bill in small doses. I just started reading it, and I'm angry. I'm angry that these people were kept in their leo jobs and their transgressions were conveniently swept under the rug with "slap on the wrist" reprimands. I'm livid that these officers have been allowed to continue to harass and endanger people because of their falsely elevated stature in the community.
Okay, I just came back from a business meeting. I've met three times with this same group-- nice, friendly folks. I've joined their group to network our business--- this is after going to other groups, doing online research, talking to people I know and trust. I'm happy to be at the meeting; excited even.
I spied a huge vinyl graphic prominently displayed in the back window of a truck canopy. It stated, "Christine Gregoire is King County's governor." For those who don't live in Washington state, the gubernatorial race between Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi was the closest one in state history. Besides the alleged misconduct in the race, the divide between King County,the largest county in the state (and the one all-mighty, do-gooder Seattle resides in), and the rest of the counties grew to the epic proportions of the Grand Canyon.
When I work down at the shop, I think about music. It gets pretty noisy down there, so we usually don't have the radio on. We can't hear it well anyway. Or, the guy we share a space with has it on a country station, and I'm trying to block it out (sorry country folks-- not my genre).
Take a gander at this article on a Knox College study on guns and aggression in men.
I'm going to have to check out the latest issue of Mother Jones magazine. Both Kirsten and Lightning blogged about Michael Pollan's lead feature No Bar Code.
Before June 2005, I hadn't read anything by Sunni Maravillosa. My first exposure to her work was at Real ID Rebellion. Next, I checked out Sunni and the Conspirators.
I'm adding a blog to my blogroll. The Gulcher's Life is written by Lightning,TCF's own bit of sunshine. In this blog, she examines gulching and how to incorporate it into your life, if the concept intrigues you.
A woman in the Seattle area filed a lawsuit on Friday against the Redmond,WA police force because of their use of extreme force and a taser. When she was harrased by the police, she was suffering physical problems, due to her diabetes and the low sugar level she was experiencing.
Yesterday, I dug into my compost bin, to remove the first annual batch of lewlew's green garden gourmet compost. Rock on, it was a rich, dark brown. It had humongous earthworms crawling around in it (how they got in there is a mystery; the bin has a plastic bottom). It smelled good-- this earthy, organic good. I spread a thin layer over my veggie garden plot, and I'll be adding more when I add more topsoil to the plot.
If anyone's interested, John Dean (former White House Council from the Watergate era) is the head speaker at a forum in Seattle tomorrow night. It's called "Spying, Secrecy and Presidential Power," and you can read about it here. It's being held at Town Hall Seattle at 7:00pm. Dean will speak along with Lisa Graves, from the ACLU.